Neurofeedback is a computer guided intervention that assists in reducing problematic symptomology. Through a QEEG we discover where the brain is having difficulty effectively processing information and help teach the brain to regulate itself more efficiently. Neurofeedback can reduce symptoms commonly associated with anxiety, depression, sensory dysregulation, and AD/HD..  Neurofeedback assists in developing better control, attention, confidence, awareness, processing, and regulation therefore increasing social skills.  Neurofeedback does not extinguish LD, autism, or AD/HD but can help with teaching the brain to better handle the information being presented to better cope with the situations at hand.  Neurofeedback is not a singular intervention and its effects are best seen when used in conjunction with other interventions such as social skills training, dyslexia training, OT, PT, speech. 

Neurofeedback is not a quick therapy, it is usually at least two times a week for at least 6 months.  Dr. Harrier's approach to neurofeddback may be different from other practicioners.  Dr. Harrier does not move sites when working with clients, instead she stays at one selected protocol through 40ish sessions to build up overlearning therefore increasing the chances that changes will stay over time.  Dr. harrier also does not use movies during her neurofeedback, instead she relies on counseling, behavioral tips and strategies, and the integration of homework, talking, real life distractions to help generalize the skills.  Dr. Harrier also is at the client's side throughout the training therefore providing immediate feedback. 
